Ian and Ruth Gawler’s Meditation Teacher Trainings with Melissa Borich
Aspiring to teach meditation? Or keen to expand and deepen your skills?
Are you applying for registration with Meditation Australia (MA) and need an approved course?
Combined, Ian and Ruth Gawler have over 60 years’ experience teaching others to teach meditation. Many who have learnt through them have gone on to become major teachers in their own right, while many others have developed the skills required to register with Meditation Australia and go on to teach within their communities or workplaces on a part time basis.
IMPORTANT DETAILS of the program follow, however, if you are ready, you can register here To be offered in 2025 –Meditation Teacher Training Module1: Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation – referred to as MTT-1: MeditationMeditation Teacher Training Module3: Imagery – referred to as MTT-3: Imagery
This program takes your own practice to the next level and primes you across the breadth of skills required to deliver a quality teaching program to your community.
Sandy Buchanan
The Three Modules
Ian and Ruth have developed 3 Meditation Teacher Training modules: Meditation, Contemplation and Imagery
Each is grounded in meditation and has its own particular focus. Ideally you are recommended to attend all three modules, however, each training stands in its own right; you can attend just one or the other.
Each module is delivered over a 5 day fully residential program. Each module is supported by a comprehensive manual (180+ pages), is evidence-based, yet highly experiential. Each includes many practice sessions where you will be encouraged to experiment with your delivery style and to hone it. You will be guided, provided with constructive feedback, and supported to develop confidence and competency.
Meditation Teacher Training
Meditation – Where the focus is fully on Meditation
We recommend you do read the important extra information that follows on this website, however, if you are ready, you can apply to register HERE
Contemplation Teacher Training
Where the basics of Meditation are covered, and the specific focus is on Contemplation
We recommend you do read the important extra information that follows on this website, however, if you are ready, you can apply to register HERE
Imagery Teacher Training
Where the basics of Meditation are covered, and the specific focus is on Imagery
We recommend you do read the important extra information that follows on this website, however, if you are ready, you can apply to register HERE
Very well thought through program. Thank you for sharing decades of wisdom.
Elisabeth Gotschi
Each Module Delivers
These are the elements common to each module
1. A thorough training in how to present an 8 week meditation- based course, whether in-person or online, and each with its own focus: Meditation, Contemplation or Imagery. Each training will prepare you to teach the full course, however, you may choose to adapt the content to fit other formats, or use parts of it to enhance programs you already present.
2. An extensive manual of over 180 pages – see the details below.
3. Forty hours of in-person training, fully endorsed by Meditation Australia.
4. A highly experiential training that also delves into theory, delivery, session structures, promotion, finances, the special challenges and needs of online courses, and more…
5. A program developed for those new to teaching meditation, as well as those wanting to go further and expand their skills.
6. The opportunity to network and explore possibilities with like-minded people who also aspire to teaching meditation.
Meditation Australia Endorsement
Each module is registered with and approved by MA
Each of the Gawler’s Meditation Teacher Training modules provides 40 hours of MA approved training. Ian was one of the co-founders of MA; Ruth is an ex-President of MA. Both are recognised by MA as senior meditation teachers.
Why in person; not online?
Would you trust a surgeon who had only learnt online to operate on your brain?
Enough said?
This Meditation Teacher Training has not only taught me about Contemplation, but provided the opportunity to increase my personal practice and support network. I strongly recommend this program to anyone interested in teaching meditation.
Helen Hall
All of the Gawler’s Meditation Teacher Training modules are open to anyone with genuine interest.
Each module has been specifically designed to cater for those new to teaching meditation, as well as for those more experienced teachers seeking to broaden and deepen their skills. In past trainings, this mix of participants has made for a very engaging cohort.
It is recommended applicants have at least 2 years of regular meditation practice, some experience with speaking in public and ideally, some experience with teaching.
All applicants will be requested to discuss the suitability of the trainings for their needs and situation with our program manager.
Is This a Good Fit?
For whom will these trainings be suitable?
- Those seeking vocational training while preparing to establish their own private practices, or to work with others in settings such as community, wellness or mental health centres, corporate or other work environments, schools and other educational facilities
- Meditation Teachers planning to apply for membership with Meditation Australia
- Attending any 2 of the Gawler’s 5 day Meditation Teacher Trainings will meet the MA requirements for provisional membership
- Those keen to deepen and expand their own practice and personal development, but may not be intent on teaching immediately
- Anyone over 18 years, including mature-age students
- Typical participants include doctors, psychologists, counsellors and other health professionals, teachers from a variety of educational settings including yoga teachers and those involved with sport.
If necessary, please discuss your situation with our Program Manager…
What competencies will these trainings develop?
While it is expected not all participants will chose to join Meditation Australia, in line with the requirements for membership of MA, our trainings provide you with a solid grounding in:
- The Theory & Practice of Meditation – how meditation works and your responsibilities as a teacher
- Teaching Methodology – how to prepare and present sessions (with detailed models provided in the manuals and good blocks of time dedicated for supervised practice during the training), how to guide practices and develop presence, group dynamics and how to generate a “good atmosphere”, the special needs when presenting online
- Student Management – ethics, confidentiality, legalities, insurance, membership with professional bodies, and referrals
- The Science of Meditation – basic physiology, psychology and neuroscience and important research
- The History of Meditation – from the early recorded beginnings 7,500 years ago, through the fascinating and colourful years as meditation came to the West, right through until now
- Specialty Areas
I would recommend this course to whomever wants to enquire and learn more about meditation. It is a privilege to have the instruction led and taught by the master Ian Gawler, and have his wealth of knowledge and wisdom compassionately shared.
Julie Lax
The Manuals
180 pages! What is in them?
Each of the Gawler’s 3 Meditation Teacher Training manuals outlines in detail how to present the subject it addresses. Each manual comes in 5 sections; Introduction and Overview, Annotated Bibliography And References, Skills Training, Session Plans, and the Scripts.
The first two sections are emailed to participants several weeks before their program commences; the full manual is provided printed in a folder on commencement.
Each manual is 180+ pages and provides the details as summarised below:
MTT-1: Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation
This manual outlines how to present an 8 week program focusing upon learning and developing a regular practice of meditation. The 8 week program can be taught in its entirety, or it can be adapted to other applications.
Topics covered include:
- Meditation – definitions, history, latest research findings, an extensive summary of key texts accompanied by a commentary from Ian Gawler, major techniques, common problems, resistances and antidotes, specific applications
- Facilitator Training – the role, communication and group dynamics, ethics, relationships with other teachers and health professionals
- Eight Session Plans – covering Introduction, Calming the Body, Calming the Mind, From Mindfulness into Stillness, Mindfulness in Daily Life, Imagery, Expanding Meditation, The Complete practice and Finale
- Scripts – detailing each technique introduced throughout the training
MTT-2: Contemplation
This manual outlines how to present a 8 week program that includes a basic introduction and development of meditation, but has a strong focus upon contemplation. The 8 week program can be taught in its entirety, or it can be adapted for other purposes.
Topics covered include:
- Meditation – A basic introduction/revision, along with definitions, history, latest research findings, an extensive summary of key texts accompanied by a commentary from Ian Gawler, major techniques, common problems, resistances and antidotes, specific applications.
- Facilitator Training – the role, communication and group dynamics, ethics, relationships with other teachers and health professionals
- Eight Session Plans – covering Contemplation – what it is and how it works, Contemplation and Problem Solving, Contemplation and a Deeper Understanding, Classic Contemplation – What is Truth?
- Scripts – detailing each technique introduced throughout the training
MTT-3: Imagery
This manual outlines how to present a 8 week program that includes a basic introduction and development of meditation, but has a strong focus upon imagery. The 8 week program can be taught in its entirety, or can be adapted for other purposes.
Topics covered include:
- Meditation – A basic introduction/revision, along with definitions, history, latest research findings, an extensive summary of key texts accompanied by a commentary from Ian Gawler, major techniques, common problems, resistances and antidotes, specific applications.
- Facilitator Training – the role, communication and group dynamics, ethics, relationships with other teachers and health professionals
- Eight Session Plans – covering Imagery – what it is and how it works, Positive Thinking skills, how habits and beliefs develop, how they can bind us or set us free, the use of affirmations and guided imagery, and much more…
- Scripts – detailing each technique introduced throughout the training
Venue and Meals
What am I coming to?
Each training will be presented at the Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Valley Victoria 3797, Australia. The Centre is renowned for its spaciousness, scenery, majestic trees and delightful gardens, the adjacent Little Yarra River and its atmosphere, born of decades of use for meditation-based programs.
The meals will be plant-based, prepared with love – and delicious! Gluten free needs can be met, but if you have other needs please speak with Mel.
Wonderful venue and relaxing surroundings to embody such a remarkable and profound practice. Life changing. Thank you; forever grateful…
Marie Menezes
Prior Reading
How to be well prepared
Ian has written several international bestselling books on meditation.
His most recent, Blue Sky Mind focuses upon the very essence of meditation and is highly recommended.
Meditation – an Indepth Guide is more comprehensive and goes into the detail of all aspects presented in the courses, so it too is highly recommended.
For the Imagery module in particular, Ian’s book The Mind that Changes Everything is the core reference and is highly recommended for reading before commencing the Imagery module
A wider reading list and other key resources are provided in the manuals.
REGISTRATION – How to apply
- The first step is to download the Application Form HERE , fill it out and return it by email to our Program Manager, Mel Crow: [email protected]
- Once Mel has received your completed application, she will arrange a short phone conversation to clarify what the training offers, discuss your needs, answer any questions and ensure the training is suitable for you.
- Once accepted for the training, you pay a deposit or full fee to reserve your place.
- Full payment is due 3 weeks prior to the commencement of your training.
Meet our trainers and administrator
Dr Ian Gawler, OAM, BVSc, MCounsHS
The inner world of Meditation, Contemplation and Imagery has been a major focus of Ian’s life for many years. Diagnosed with bone cancer, Ian’s right leg was amputated in 1975, but the disease recurred later that year. Those were the pioneering days when meditation and mind/body medicine techniques were being developed and first applied to healing in the western world. Drawing heavily upon intensive meditation practices, contemplation, guided imagery, and a truly holistic approach, Ian was fortunate to experience a remarkable recovery.
Ian went on to learn from leaders in Psychoneuroimmunology, or Mind/Body Medicine, along with many recognised meditation masters from traditional backgrounds, with a particular emphasis on Tibetan Buddhism. His main teacher have been Dr Ainslie Meares and Sogyal Rinpoche, the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Ian holds a degree in Veterinary Science and a Masters in Counselling.
Combining his personal recovery experience with emerging research, Dr Gawler co-founded the world’s first lifestyle-based cancer and multiple sclerosis self-help groups and convened Australia’s first Mind-Body Medicine conference for Health Professionals in 1995 – Mind, Immunity and Health. Ian was also instrumental in establishing the Centres for Contemplative Studies at both Melbourne and Monash Universities, and sits on both their Advisory Boards.
Ian first taught others to teach meditation in 1988 and has led many meditation programs and retreats.
He is a regular blogger, has authored seven bestselling books including the international classics You Can Conquer Cancer, Meditation – an Indepth Guide, Blue Sky Mind and The Mind that Changes Everything; and has assisted in creating the meditation app, Allevi8.
A powerful advocate of a healthy lifestyle, Dr Gawler has appeared widely in the media and presented at many major conferences. He shares the accumulated experience and wisdom of the many thousands of people he has worked with over four decades. Meditation has always been at the heart of his work.
In 1987 Dr Gawler was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his services to the community.
Ian was a co-founder of Meditation Australia and is recognised by MA as a senior meditation teacher.
Dr Ruth Gawler MBBS MGPPsych FPACert
Ruth (nee Berlin) graduated from Sydney University in 1981 MB BS and worked in hospitals in Sydney before going to Kenya for 2 years. There Ruth worked in the Nairobi Hospital in Intensive Care and then a Presbyterian Mission Hospital in the Kikuyu Highlands. Returning to Australia in in 1985, Ruth worked as a Psychiatry Registrar in training at the Rozelle Hospital in Sydney. She then trained in General Practice through the RACGP and worked at Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (5 years) and the Family Planning Clinic (as Central Australian Director for 8 years). Ruth also completed a Masters in GP Psychiatry (Monash 2001) with counselling and psychotherapy becoming her main work.
Ruth moved to Melbourne to marry Ian in 2000 and they have worked together for over 24 years leading meditation retreats and trainings, facilitating cancer, multiple sclerosis and other groups, as well as counselling and teaching people about a healthy lifestyle and meditation.
Ruth has been a dedicated student of Tibetan Buddhism for 25 years and has served as president of Meditation Australia and is recognised by MA as a senior teacher. She is passionate about meditation and living a meaningful life.
Melissa Borich
Melissa has been teaching yoga and meditation for over twenty years. She is a Yoga Therapist, a registered Senior teacher with Yoga Australia, a registered senior teacher with Meditation Australia, an Allevi8 Meditation Mentor, an accredited teacher in Restorative Yoga in the Judith Hanson – Lasater tradition. She facilitates classes, retreats, meditation courses and workshops in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland at her purpose-built studio and retreat space. Melissa also teaches at other venues throughout Australia.
Her influences and immersion into Yoga, Yoga Therapy, and Mindfulness have continued with the teachings of – Krishnamacharya, T.K.V. Desikachar lineage, Radiant Light Yoga, Judith Lasater, Donna Farhi, Flo Fenton, B. K. S. Iyengar, Drs Ruth and Ian Gawler.
Melissa has a strong belief that embracing a holistic lifestyle through yoga, diet, mindfulness and meditation helps create a harmonious and balanced life; bringing to your everyday moments good health, a sense of joy, inner peace and knowledge.
Mel Crow, Program Manager
Mel has had a personal interest in health and wellbeing from an early age doing, her first meditation course as a young adult. Mel spent many years working in the corporate sector in administration before she began working for The Gawler Foundation in 2011 as a Program Manager; a job she held for 8 years. This time spent with participants and therapists deepened Mel’s passion for holistic lifestyle approaches to health and wellbeing and the mind body connection. She completed the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training in 2017 and during this time commenced studying with Wellness Coaching Australia; completing Level 3 Wellness Coaching in 2021. Mel briefly left the industry and completed a Mental Health Certificate IV.
Currently, Mel works alongside her NDIS clients using her skills and life experience to support them to achieve improved health and wellbeing outcomes. In her downtime Mel enjoys a wide variety of hobbies, time spent with loved ones, getting out in nature and believes balance and joy are the key to life.
We welcome Mel in this part time role supporting our team and participants; knowing she will ensure a caring and seamless booking process from first contact to arrival at the program.
A comprehensive training taught by deeply experienced practitioners, has given me the confidence to teach the technique.
Lisa Patamisi